Ck2 Holder Is Of Wrong Holding Type

Now free to keep until May 16: The Crusader Kings II expansion Horse Lords

Buildings are fairly simple to mod.

Building definitions are located in commonbuildings folder.


Ck2 Holder Is Of Wrong Holding Type Tribal; Ck2 Pillage Holding. Holding Levy. The holding levy is the levy of a particular holding, and it. New holding event creating bugged holding slots that can not be used. From the weirdness of a single gov type encompassing multiple capital holding types. Otherwise there is something wrong with the slave traits themselves, and I am not. 19 in history/titles/callemont.txt titlehistory.cpp:167: Unborn title holder Title:.

potentialconditions (province scope)Decides if the building shows up on the buildings list of a holding. FROM is the settlement holder (a character), FROMFROM is the holding (a barony title).
descKeyLocalization key for building description, used in the tooltip of the building. Follows <building_name>_desc convention.
add_number_to_nameboolMakes the game use 1st level building name, and add number after it to name higher level buildings.
replacesbuildingThe replaced building will not be constructible, even if its potential would match. Warning: don't replace a vanilla building that is part of a building chain ! prerequisites don't allow for the replaced building to be checked.
triggerconditions (province scope)Requirements to be able to build the building.
is_active_triggerconditions (province scope)The building will not apply its modifiers to the holding, unless the trigger conditions are satisfied.
portboolCan only be built on coastal province. Warning: This check fails if the county has no ruler, so beware if your mod relies on letting the game auto create rulers upon starting a new game.
prerequisitesList<building>Other buildings requirements
not_if_x_existsList<building>Cannot build this building if another is (or others are) built.
upgrades_frombuildingThe building replaces the one it upgrades from, but the modifiers are cumulated.
gold_costintGold cost to build the building. Mutually exclusive with prestige and piety cost.
prestige_costintPrestige cost to build the building. Mutually exclusive with gold and piety cost.
piety_costintPiety cost to build the building. Mutually exclusive with gold and prestige cost.
build_timeintTime to build, in days
ai_creation_factorintChances for the AI to chose constructing this building.
ai_feudal_modifierintModifies the ai creation weight if the ai is feudal, or is tribal but strive to become feudal.
ai_republic_modifierintModifies the ai creation weight if the ai is a republic, or is tribal but strive to become a republic.
extra_tech_building_startdoubleWhen starting a new game, a building will be pre-built if the province has higher technology than the trigger requirement(s) + the value of extra_building_start + a random number 0-1
scoutingboolDetermines if the building gives vision of the province where it was built, like a Merchant Republic trade post.
convert_to_citybuildingIf the holding is converted to another type, the building gets converted to the equivalent building
<modifier_name>Building modifiersModifiers provided by the building, in case is_active_trigger is valid. Modifiers are cumulative for upgraded building, see upgrades_from.


  • a negative tax_income might be used to simulate an upkeep for the building.
  • holdings can only process one special unit for the entire holding, so once a holding already has a special unit defined (e.g. it has a building built that adds horse archers to the holding's levy), it will ignore all other special unit entries of this type.


Here is an example from commonbuildings00_Castle.txt:


  • <building_name>: name of the building
  • <building_name>_desc: description of the building
  • <building_name>_<religion_group>: overridden name by religion group (at least for temple building)

Adding a new building[edit]

So lets assume you want to add a new building to the game. This guide will give basic instruction on how to create a basic working building. There are more polished and professional ways to attack this task, but they will all build upon the basic file structure and placement included below.

There are several decisions that you have to make in order to create a building that will work correctly. In what type of settlement will the building be located, castle, city, or temple? What type of restrictions will be placed on where the building can be created? What will be the bonuses or traits that this building grants?

First locate the 'buildings' folder inside the CK2 file structure. Usually it is something like: C:Program FilesSteamSteamAppscommonbuildings. Once you have located the 'buildings' folder you will need to add an entry to the one of these files that corresponds with the type of building you wish to add. For this example I am going to add a simple statue to my castle that will provide some nice bonuses, so I will choose the 00_castle.txt file.

It is highly recommended that you use Notepad++ to edit the file and make a backup of this file before you make any changes.

Under the 'castle = {' heading I am just going to copy the formatting of the first entry making minor changes to create my own building. My favorite starting location is Moray in Scotland, so I will restrict the building to only working in that province. I want the building to always be available for me to build, with modest costs, and some nice bonuses for my troops and income. It will look something like this:

There are tons of different triggers and traits that can be added to buildings to make them unique and powerful! It may be worthwhile just looking at the other entries to learn how to personalize your building. This building will give my lord 50 heavy infantry, a 50% larger levy, and 5 as income!

Once these lines have been added to the 00_castle.txt file, the description tags need to be created in the localisation directory, it should be in the same folder where you found the 'common' folder.

Using Notepad++ copy one of the .csv files and rename it for your own building. Open the file and delete all lines except for the top line (which only serves as a template and is not actually necessary). Follow the format that it explicitly outlines in the template on the top line, making sure not to miss any punctuation marks! If desired you can add these translations, just type the French description you wish to appear in place of the 'FRENCH' on the appropriate line. I don't play the game in other languages, so I didn't add any translations. Mine looks something like this:

After completing these steps you should have a Statue you can build in Moray.

Changing restrictions on holdings[edit]

It is not possible to add new Holding types, but you can define the conditions for being allowed to build each holding type. Definitions for those restrictions are located in the commonholding_types folder. The only thing supported within a holding is trigger, which defines when it can be built. ROOT is the province, FROM is the builder. Some hardcoded restrictions also apply and cannot be overriden. For example, if you wanted to restrict building temples only to theocratic characters:

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Now free to keep until May 16: The Crusader Kings II expansion Horse Lords

Each province comprises one or more holdings led by a character (either player or AI) and are the source of levies and taxes.

As of the Monks and Mystics Expansion version, there were 4,457 holdings in the world in 1066, with potential for up to 5,190. As the map receives further updates, the number of holdings may increase.

Holdings have the following characteristics, which are modified by buildings:

Demesne incomeThe primary source of wealth for most rulers
Fort levelSlows down sieges and resists raiding
GarrisonMust be outnumbered in order for an enemy to siege
LeviesCan be raised, or left to defend along with the garrison
  • 1Settlements
  • 2Special holdings
  • 3Empty holding slot
  • 4Construction


There are five types of settlements, each with a different set of buildings. Each form of government has preferred and allowed settlements, and will get 'Wrong government type' (-75% levies and income) penalty while holding other types of settlements directly. Hindu characters will suffer opinion penalties if they have holdings which do not match their caste. Also, they cannot be granted such holdings directly.


Castles correspond to feudal rule. They are normally ruled by nobles, and their buildings are mostly focused on the military. Castles often have the highest level of fortification among all holding types.As a feudal lord/lady, castles will be the bread and butter of your demesne, but they won't bring in income comparable to temples and cities. As a Christian feudal ruler, the player will have severe income and levy penalties for having holdings other than castles. On the other hand, most of your levies will originate from castles, especially heavy infantry and all types of cavalry. Meanwhile, Muslim iqta rulers are allowed to freely rule over castles and temples without penalties. Hindu characters who hold castles are expected to be of the Kshatriya caste.

The capital of a county will usually be a castle holding, but there are some exceptions. Whoever owns the capital owns the county itself.


Temples correspond to theocracies.They are normally ruled by members of the clergy - bishops (or equivalent) - or iqta nobles for Muslims (imams). Their buildings are balanced between military ones and providing taxes, although they start out with very little fortification like cities. The pagan religions have their own names for these rulers, e.g. Godi for the Norse. Temples usually provide heavy infantry levies, with light infantry and archers, but no cavalry. Hindu characters who hold temples are expected to be of the Brahmin caste.


Cities correspond to republics. They are normally ruled by burghers. Their buildings are focused on economy and offer few heavy troops as levies. Later in the game, a significant part of light levies - light infantry, archers and heavy pikemen - will come from cities. Much of a feudal ruler's income from vassals is likely to come from vassal cities. If a burgher owns the capital of a county, their lands turn into a vassal republic which increases taxes collection. When a count-tier burgher is granted a duchy and their capital is coastal, they will form a merchant republic, resulting in greater taxes, construction of trade posts, and allowing them to rule cities and castles alike. Hindu characters who hold cities are expected to be of the Vaishya caste.


Tribes correspond to tribal rulers and are normally ruled by chiefs. They benefit from empty settlement slots, and are usually the only settlement in a province.

Nomadic capitals[edit]

A Nomadic capital is a special holding for the capital of khagans and khans. When a nomadic ruler moves their capital, all buildings are transported to the new location, although some may become inactive (such as the 'fishing village' and 'harbor' in a landlocked province).

Special holdings[edit]

Special holdings do not count toward a province's settlement limit or a ruler's demesne limit.


Like trade posts, forts are built in dedicated slots and thus do not count as a full fledged holding.

Forts are primarily used to 'lock' the occupation of an empty province when warring against a nomadic faction, as it would otherwise automatically return to the original owner's control as soon as the occupying army tries to move out of the province. Once a fort is constructed, the original owner will be forced to put it under siege or attack it. Nomads cannot build forts; when fighting against fellow nomads, occupying nomadic capitals is the main way to get warscore, besides battles.

Forts are also particularly useful when warring against Unreformed Pagans as they negate the attrition bonus in provinces holding a friendly one. With its building speed, if the player reacts fast enough, it is possible to negate the attrition before their army even starts taking losses!

It is also possible to build a fort in any owned province, and the character's enemies will be forced to besiege it before sieging other holdings. Thus, it can be a good idea to build forts in border provinces to delay enemies, granting the character time to assemble levies without extensive damage done to holdings (e.g. due to raids).

Family palaces[edit]

Family palaces are the essential capital holdings of patricians in merchant republics (requires The Republic Expansion). In early starts, they are often the only holdings of vassal patricians. No character or dynasty can own more than one family palace. These holdings have no province, but provide troops (which spawn in the republic's capital if the patrician owns no other land) and money to their owner. Family palaces are always inherited by the heir of a patrician family, and cannot be usurped or revoked, leaving the family only if it ceases to exist (by having no male family members).

Trade posts[edit]

Trade posts provide income to patricians and controllers of Silk Roadprovinces (the Silk Road requires Horse Lords or Jade Dragon DLC). Every coastal province has room for one trade post, though this slot is distinct from regular holdings. Trade posts focus on providing money, and the more trade posts of the same owner there are in a connected trade zone, the more money they will provide individually. Trade posts have their own limit, independent of demesne limit, which is determined by technology and the size of the patrician family. This limit is solely for building new trade posts, with no repercussions to owning more than the limit, should the limit decrease.


Hospitals help to protect provinces from disease and depopulation. Additional upgrades to this holding can also produce piety, tech points etc. The Reaper's Due DLC is required in order to build hospitals and to appoint a court physician.

Great Works[edit]

Great works, also called wonders of the world, are special holdings that are constructed at great cost and confer lasting benefits. Great works bring new ways to spend a dynasty's amassed fortune by creating new developments that can provide bonuses for the character, its family, and the realm.

Empty holding slot[edit]

For most government types, an empty holding slot represents nothing more than the potential to eventually construct a useful holding. For tribes, however, empty holding slots directly increase the levies and income of the tribal holding in the province, as each empty slot gives a +50% bonus. For nomads, empty holding slots are vital, as they determine the maximum population of the nomadic clan, which in turn determines the manpower Excel para mac 2016 vba. available for horde troops.

Getting additional empty holding slots[edit]

It is possible to gain additional empty holding slots, but it takes time, wealth and some luck. There are two events associated with this, one is gained from high prosperity, the other from great works. The province which is to gain the empty holding slot through prosperity must be at prosperity level 3 (Booming) (requires The Reaper's Due DLC), and the crown focus set at the said province. Given time, an event can occur which offers the choice of creating an empty settlement slot for 250% of yearly income. It has an MTTH of 65 years, decreasing by 10% if you have higher stewardship and/or learning (breakpoints being 12, 16 and 18). The same 10% apply if the ruling character has the lifestyleadministrator , architect , scholar or gardener ; the traitdiligent; the educationscholarly theologian , mastermind theologian , charismatic negotiator , grey eminence , fortune builder or midas touched . If the character is not independent, it increases by 20%.

As mentioned before, it is also possible to get a holding slot through an event called 'A Town is Born' associated with a local great work. To get this event, the ruler must not be at war, the great work must be at least 50 years old and the great work must have at least two upgrades. You can not get this event twice in one province.


Construction improves an existing holding by:

  • Constructing new buildings in the holding
  • Upgrading existing buildings to improve their benefits
  • Creating new settlements in a province, provided an empty slot is available.

Construction is a long-time prospect, as it will take very long for most buildings to pay off, if strictly speaking on their income output alone. Military buildings and upgrades form the backbone of a character's personal levies and help deter faction revolts.

The construction time itself can be reduced by the steward's 'Oversee Construction' job.

Castle income[edit]

The player can construct buildings in any holding they control (except the family palaces of vassal patricians). Most rulers, however, will focus on their personal holdings.

Note that the last two levels of 'castle towns' do not need further 'wall' upgrades. If 'wall' upgrades are taken into account, there is a gradual progression for how long it takes to get a return on investments. It is displayed on that assessment that aiming for level 1 firstly in all owned holdings, then going to the next level and so on, makes the most sense.

As long as the player has good stewardship, the break-even point for construction will be considerably faster, as 2% more demesne income is generated for every point of state stewardship beyond 5 points. Thus, at 30 state stewardship, the player will get 50% higher income, reducing the time to break-even by one third.

If a character owns provinces crossed by the Silk Road, castle, temple, city and tribal holdings on the route will receive a small passive boost to their tax.

New settlements[edit]

It is also possible to build new settlements in a county if there are free slots. Nomads can build temples; tribal rulers can build tribes and temples; settled rulers can build castles, cities, and temples. Once a province has each one of a castle, temple, and city, a ruler is free to create duplicates.

Creating a new settlement costs 400 wealth, plus an additional 100 wealth for each settlement already built in the province. This cost is reduced by the Construction technology. Tribal rulers can construct tribal settlements in provinces without them, for 25 prestige per empty slot.

  • Castles will repay themselves between 175 and 166 years, and are as such not really worth it for the money alone. Build castles with the intention of using them to strengthen your military. Building and holding new castles in your capital county (and maybe capital duchy) can help increase demesne levies immensely, since the capital bonus (available as long as the ruler is not a count-rank vassal) and marshal's 'Train troops' job apply to all personal holdings in the capital county.
  • Temples add piety-to-liege slots. In some religions, they can be granted to disqualify heirs. Catholics can also use a created temple to set up an antipope without needing to revoke a temple or murder a bishop. Be warned that rulers must consider tax and levies from their Catholic clergy to be unreliable at best. Building a new temple will give a +1% bonus to the religion's moral authority for 20 years after it's completed, but except for research and piety, building temples is rarely an attractive option beyond county requirements.
  • Cities can bring in quite a bit of money, at a base rate of 12 wealth per year. This is easily worthwhile for a grand mayor, but even for a feudal or Muslim ruler, it will take only 50–150 years to repay itself; the repayment time is even shorter if the county is coastal or on the Silk Road. Trade off time depends on tax laws, technology, and stewardship-skill and decisions of the mayor.
  • Cities and temples add technological growth slots, increasing both tech spread rate and the ruler's research points
  • Tribes are extremely cheap and should always be built if possible, especially, since they can usually be converted to combinations of castle + city + temple.
  • Constructing a castle or city in formerly-nomadic provinces can prevent them from reverting due to nomad agitation.

A character can build new holdings in any province they directly or indirectly control. The new holding becomes part of the builder's demesne and they are not obliged to grant it to the county's owner. However, the county's owner will get a -25 opinion penalty, because they desire that barony. As such, building new holdings in lands held by non-direct vassals is a good idea, as their opinion is largely irrelevant to the player character.

The supply limit for friendly armies in a province increases with the number of holdings in the province.

Building new holdings is usually more relevant if the player is isolated and their realm is under-developed at the selected start date. On the flip side, rich realms can further strengthen themselves by building more holdings after upgrading their existing ones.

Preferred holding type for capital[edit]

Each government type has its preferred holding type and will try to change the capital of their counties they personally hold if they hold nonpreferred holdings.

  • Feudal and Iqta prefers castles.
  • Monastic Feudal prefers castles and temples.
  • Imperial (both Roman and Chinese) and Confucian Bureucracy prefers castles and cities.
  • Republics and Merchant Republics prefer cities.
  • Theocracies prefer temples.
  • Tribals prefer tribes.
  • Nomads prefer nomadic capitals and empty holding slots.


  • Give out settlements of the wrong type. It is rarely worthwhile to keep settlements for which the player character gets the 'Wrong government type' penalty. Exceptions include tribal rulers preparing to feudalize, feudal rulers preparing to convert tribal holdings, and nomads in the process of pillaging.
  • Catholic churches are unreliable for taxes and levies. At +100 opinion towards their secular liege and the Pope, Catholic bishops will still pay taxes to the Pope and withhold levies from their secular liege.
  • If Hindu, be sure to match the character's caste with the holding type. If a character is of the wrong caste, they cannot be granted the holding.
  • Seize the advantage if the realm is on the Silk Road. If the player's demesne has counties on the Silk Road, castles, temples and cities give increased taxes to the holders of the counties.
  • Focus construction in the capital, and control multiple holdings there. A character's capital county will almost always be inherited by their heir(ess), even if the realm's under gavelkind succession. This is important, as buildings often won't pay back the investment within a single character's reign. The capital county will generally have the highest technology level of all holdings, and many technologies enhance the output of owned buildings, thus constructions in the capital will repay investment faster. Building up a county and then losing it 20 years later due to gavelkind isn't too great an idea. (By comparison, losing baronies through gavelkind is not as bad, as barons cannot join factions and do not have vassals under them.) In addition, all directly controlled holdings within the capital county receives an extra 50% levies (if independent), or at least a +15% if the character is a vassal duke or king-rank. By holding multiple baronies, the effectiveness of tax collection by the steward and troop training by the marshal is multiplied.
  • Build additional settlements for maximum troops and income. It's best to build firstly castles in the capital county, where they gain the largest levy bonus (up to +50% capital county if independent and perhaps +50% trained troops). Then, cities could be built outside the capital duchy for increased income. If the character is Catholic, temple resources are unreliable, so they are not a priority for a feudal ruler. However, if the player character is Muslim or eligible for Monastic Feudalism, temples are good at increasing monthly piety, and as usual gives a +1% to moral authority for 20 years after being built.
  • If the player character is grand mayor (or equivalent) of a merchant republic, construction should be balanced between the capital and other baronies/counties owned by the character. While the capital gets great troop bonuses, it can be lost in an election. Instead, by holding separate county titles and baronies, a patrician's family will retain a large portion of its former military base. The player can also develop baronies in the capital, as those do not go to the new grand mayor. A strategy is avoiding over-investment in outlying titles that are likely targets of de jure wars from other realms. It is better to focus on coastal cities, which tend to provide highest income (from trade post bonuses and 'port' buildings).
  • Focus on the player character's own baronies, not their vassals' holdings. The character's own baronies deliver their entire income and levies, while vassals' holdings will only give the liege a percentage. In addition, the benefits received from vassals are also subject to change in the long term due to changes in opinion, while the player character's own holdings are unaffected. Note that although the liege will get maximum tax if their vassals have at least 0 opinion of their ruler, Catholic bishops will continue to pay taxes to the Pope if they like him more than the liege. However, if the player character erects 'town markets', 'town harbours' and 'church villages', they will increase the income of cities and bishoprics respectively, allowing them to construct more improvements on their own. While cities provide higher revenue per town building than castles, the liege still gets less overall due to only getting a percentage of the town income. For patricians and Muslims rulers who can personally hold cities and temples respectively, upgrading them is a higher priority.
    • However, constructing in vassals' holdings will increase their opinion. This might be helpful in certain situations, particularly if the increased opinion is enough to convince a Zealous vassal of another religion to convert. Another exception is to help tribal vassals construct their Stone Hillforts so that they can adopt feudalism.
  • Build technology buildings.Churches and citiesdo, however, have one building each that is particularly useful for the development of technology, the 'monastic school' and the 'university,' respectively. If The Reaper's Due DLC is active, hospitals add several more, as follows:
    • The monastic school increases technology spread rate in the province by 10% at level 1, and 20% at level 2, for a total of 30%. It also grants +0.04 cultural tech points and +0.05 piety per month per level
    • The university increases technology spread rate in the province by 30% and grants +0.05 economic tech points per month
    • The translation house grants economic tech points and prestige; the library, cultural tech points and a 25% increase to technology spread rate; the laboratory, another 25% increase to technology spread rate; the medical academy, tech points of every type; and the observatory, military and cultural tech points.
    • This can make a major difference in the long run, so if the player prefers a technology-based approach to the game, investing in these buildings would be a good idea.
  • Build economic improvements, then military. Initial focus should be on improving the demesne's economic situation. The higher the income, the faster the ruler can construct or upgrade more buildings, so while at first the realm will lag behind on the military front, the ruler will quickly catch up once economic buildings repay their cost. After having reached decent economic capital, with at least 'castle villages' in all the player character's holdings, it is a proper decision to upgrade military capabilities. At this point, income flows pretty well, so this should be relatively quick to do. As before, the capital's holdings could go first, then other holdings are good to be upgraded. For each military building constructed, the ruler's personal military power increases. This powerbase will be there for the character even in times of crisis, and as such it gives the player a base military capacity at all times. Greater military means better results during civil wars and also on foreign wars, both defensive and offensive. It also helps to stabilize the realm, since vassals are less likely to form factions against a powerful liege. Do remember that increases in military capacity also translates into greater expenses whenever the ruler raises their own levies. Planning ahead is advised.
  • Upgrade demesne holdings as fast as possible. The quicker they are built, the sooner their investment is repaid. The more it is possible to construct in the future, the lesser a ruler will fall behind their rivals.
  • Keep wealth and piety reserves. A good strategy is to imagine the worst possible economic scenario that could happen to the realm, and keep that much money (or more) and piety (or equivalent) in reserve at all times. As a small realm like say, Scotland, having 50 wealth/piety in reserve at all times would likely be enough most of the time, except if the liege suddenly needs to hire mercenaries or holy orders. As such, it would be a thoughtful decision to save 100 wealth/piety at the very least for any small realm, as that much (along with the 300 wealth from Jewish merchants) will enable the liege to recruit a band of mercenaries or holy order and pay their upkeep for some months through that reserve alone. As for large empires neighbouring big potential rivals, it may even be necessary to keep a reserve of more than 1,000 wealth or piety at all times. Tribal rulers are required to save prestige points too, for their buildings are constructed with this currency up until they feudalize or turn into a merchant republic.
  • Build new holdings in counties not held by direct vassals. The player character's direct vassals won't ask for a transfer of control, and it's possible to indirectly weaken them. However, non-direct vassals may declare de jure wars to bring the holding under their control.
  • Build new holdings where supply limit decides wars. For instance, in mountain, desert and arctic provinces. Each settlement increases the supply limit for the ruler's troops and decreases it for enemy troops.
Castles • Cities • Temples • Tribes • Nomadic capital
Capital • Economy • Levies • Revolt • Technology • Cultural buildings • Great works
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