Using Bin Files And Powersaves For Mac

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05-09-2015, 01:39 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2016, 02:00 PM by ReyVGM.)
It has always bothered me that Dolphin doesn't import Datel's Powersaves (.wii format), so after some searching, here's a way to convert those files to .bin, which Dolphin does recognize (and you can even use them on a real Wii). The process is extremely simple, but I'm going to provide step by step instructions for the less experienced users.
But first, you need to download the 'Wii Powersave' tool. It's small and does not need to be installed.
You can get it from here:
Experienced Walkthrough:
  1. Place the tool and the .wii save on the same folder.
  2. Open a command line prompt for that folder.
  3. Type: sq-dps -d nameofthesave.wii data.bin
  4. Press enter and the new .bin file will be in the same folder.

Step-by-step newbie walkthrough:
  1. Download the tool linked above, extract its contents into a folder.
  2. Place the .wii save file you want to convert in that same folder. For simplicity, rename it to something short and without spaces.
  3. Now you need to open a Command Line window and look for the directory where you placed this tool. I'll explain two methods to do that:
    • The Easy Way:
      If you're using Windows 7 (it probably works on Vista and Windows 8 too), you can just hold Shift and right-click on the folder where you have the tool, and on the menu you should see an option called 'Open Command Window Here'. If you have the tool in your desktop, then point to an empty space and hold Shift + Right Click and the same option will appear. Anyway, click on that and the command line window should open on the same directory where you have your tool in. Easy.
    • The Hard Way:
      In case your operating system for some reason doesn't have the Easy Way option described above, then you'll have to do the following.
      Click Start in Windows, select Run and type cmd to open a command line prompt. Now you have to look for the folder/directory where you placed your files. I have no idea where you are going to put them, so I'll just use a generic example.
      If you have never used command line before, you only need to know two things for this example: CD to Change Directory. And DIR to show the files in a Directory/folder.
      So, assuming the command line window started on Drive C, then you need to type DIR + enter to show all the available folders (if you want to see where you are). Then you need to enter the folder where you have your username. In Windows XP it's called 'Documents and Settings' and on Windows 7 it's called 'Users'.
      So, using the Win 7 example, type CD USERS + enter, then DIR +enter to show all the available folders (if you want to see where you are again). Now type CD and the name of your username as shown there. Then type CD DESKTOP, and you should be in your desktop where you hopefully placed the tool. If not, just keep using CD to find the directory where the tool is at. If you need to go back to a previous directory, just type 'CD.'
      After doing all that, the directory address should look like this: C:UsersReyVGMDesktopwiisavetool
  4. Once you are at the tool directory, you need to type the command to make the conversion.
    • So, type the name of the program, which is 'sq-dps' (you can change the name of the program to something easier if you wish).
    • Then type '-d'.
    • Then type the name of the current save, 'whatever.wii '
    • And then type the name you want for the converted save, I'll just call it 'data.bin'.
    • In the end, it should all look like this: sq-dps -d whatever.wii data.bin
  5. Now press Enter and the .bin file will be created in the same folder.

BinOnce you have the .bin save, you can go to Tools --> Import Wii Save on Dolphin, or you can place the data.bin on your Wii Memory card to use it on the real console.