Xbox Kinect Drivers For Mac


This article is intended for people who have a lot of experience in the Information Technology area, both as a developer and as systems engineer, especially on unix systems. In fact, the installation of the drivers may be a little tricky, especially if something does not go the first time.

Libfreenect is a userspace driver for the Microsoft Kinect. It runs on Linux, OSX, and Windows and supports. RGB and Depth Images; Motors; Accelerometer; LED; Audio; Notice: If you have the newer Kinect v2 (XBox One), use OpenKinect/libfreenect2 instead. Build Instructions. To build libfreenect, you'll need. Libusb = 1.0.18 (Windows needs = 1.0.22) CMake = 3.8.2.

I warn you.. there are some commands to run with the terminal, I do not take any responsibility if with these commands (or connecting the kinect) you will damage your Mac. However, if you are familiar with the shell (and unix systems) you should not have problems.

The version of Kinect that i have is sold separately from the xBox. It has the power and the USB adapter included in the package. If you have the version bundled with the latest xBox (that doesn't have the adapter with the power supply), you will need this device from the Amazon website.

I connected the Kinect to an iMac with OSX 10.7.4 64-bit. However, if you read the whole article you'll be able to adapt the installation process on different systems without much effort.

Well, now that I have described the tools used for testing, we can install and configure the software and drivers required.

Driver and SDK

Before proceeding you should know that there are several available API and SDK for Kinect. However, the two main SDK are OpenNI and OpenKinect. The first is maintained by the company PrimeSence who developed the technology behind the Kinect, OpenKinect instead is a group of people who formed a community called OpenKinect which issued the library libfreenect.
There is also the official SDK released by Microsoft, but unfortunately it only works on Windows operating systems. I willanalyzethat in thenext articles.

For this tutorial I used OpenNI. This is because that SDK is developed by the company that has created the technology behind the Kinect, and it comes with many examples.
I used a wrapper for Processing (a programming language based on Java) called Simple OpenNI.

Simple OpenNI is a very good project, but I had to make a number of changes to the installation process to adapt it to the version of Mac OSX that I have. All changes are listed below.

Let's start

First of all, open the page with the official procedure to install Simple OpenNI on Mac OSX clicking here. As described aboveI had toslightly changethe installation procedure. Here's how:

  1. I download xcode4 fromhere. Then I have installed it.
  2. I download theversion 2.1.2ofMacPorts(the versionthat is shown in theinstallation guide istoo old) from here. Then I have installed it.
  3. I downloadJavaJDK7 (forMacOSXx64) fromhere.
  4. I have openeda terminal andran the command: sudo port install git-core
    ifthat commandreturns thefollowing error:
    Unable to open port: can’t read 'build.cmd': Failed to locate ‘make’ in path: '/opt/local/bin:/opt/local/sbin:/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin' or at its MacPorts configuration time location, did you move it?
    then you have to start xcode, go to Preferences -> Download and install the 'Command Line Tools', then you can try again the command sudo port install git-core.
  5. Again fromterminalI ranthe following command: sudo port install libtool
  6. Finally, this: sudo port install libusb-devel +universal
    ifthat commandreturns thefollowing error: Please do not install this port since it has been replaced by 'libusb' thenyou have to runthe following commands:
    1. sudo rm -f /opt/local/lib/libusb-1.0.0.dylib
    2. sudo port clean libusb
    3. sudo port install libusb +universal
  7. I download OpenNI_NITE_Installer-OSX from here, I have unzipped it and then ran (inside the unzipped folder) the command sudo ./
    Thiscommand will install thedriverto allowthe proper functioning ofKinect.
  8. I download and installed processing2.0 forMac OSX from here. This is because the version 1.5.x has some problem with the latest versions of Mac OSX. We have to do few changes into the source code of the examples provided with Simple OpenNI. LaterI'll show youhow to do that.
  9. Now we need todownload the librarySimpleOpenNIforprocessing fromhere. I have unzipped ''. In this way we geta folder called SimpleOpenNI. You have to copy the folder SimpleOpenNI into the directory /Users/'your username'/Documents/Processing/libraries. If you don't have this folder then create it. The result is shownin the screenshot below.

The folderSimpleOpenNIalso contains severalexamplesthat show how to usekinect, of courseall writtenin Processing.

The Code

Connect theKinectto thewall socket and to the iMac,openProcessingandasample filefrom /Users/'your username'/Documents/Processing/libraries/SimpleOpenNI/examples/OpenNI. OpentheexamplefileUser3d.pdefrom the folder User3d.

Ifwe run the code(nb: you must standat least 1.5 metersfromkinect) we shouldobtain an imagelike the one below. You can see a sort of skeleton that follows the movements of my body:

TheUser3d.pdefile(such asthosepresentin the samples folder)is well commented, if you read the code(and the comments), you can learn how to customizethe code orcreate new programs.

You have tomakesome changesto the source code before tryothersample files.You should know thatProcessing2.0,unlike earlierversions, does not import someessential libraries that oursample files need.

If you try,for example,toexecute the fileHands3d.pde you will receivethe error: Cannot find a class or type named 'Iterator', asshownin the figure below:

To solve this problemwe have to importfor the objectIterator. Iimportedthe need it also for other sample files) andjava.util.Iterator. I show youa pictureof the two linesthat I put into the source code: Microsoft entourage for mac 2011.

If you will receiveother exceptionsthenyou need to checkon the Internet(orin the official documentationof Java)which libraryyou have to import.

Another examplethat I tried (andI want recommend to you) istheSlider2d. It allows you to play with some squares on the screen usingyour hands.Belowmy test:

As I wrote before,there aremany interesting examples into the examplesfolder of SimpleOpenNI.I recommend youto try all files.

Sometimes it happensthatprocessingreturns anerror regarding kinect disconnection. In thatcase you have to disconnect and reconnect thedevice.

As already mentionedthe source code iswell commented.Thiswill allow you toedit the code according to yourneeds, you will learn to create newprograms.

That's all.Have fun!!!

May 23, 2019
1.3 MB
Input Devices
Mac OS X

I have created a USB driver which allows you to use wired XBox 360 Controllers via USB, and wireless XBox 360 Controllers via the Microsoft Wireless Gaming Receiver for Windows, on your OSX machine, including support for the Apple Force Feedback library. The driver is licenced under the GPL.
Snow Leopard
I've released a version which will hopefully install and work fine on 32-bit Snow Leopard. It also contains 64-bit binaries, however I've been unable to test them because Apple have disabled my MacBook from booting into 64-bit mode. I have however been informed that 64-bit and 32-bit builds are both working.
I have got the Microsoft ChatPad working with my wired controller. The latest release of the driver includes support, and I'll be updating the USB information section of this website shortly. I've not yet checked the wireless receiver for compatibility.
Other info
Sadly, my PowerMac has died, which as my primary development machine has slowed progress.
I have added a version of the driver without support for the Guitar Hero controller, to allow the Guitar Hero for Mac game to work (it attempts to access hardware directly, which doesn't work if a real driver has claimed the device).
If you find the driver does not work for you, please attempt and find out as much as you can about the device, preferably using the Apple 'USB Prober' application provided with the developer tools, but the output of System Profiler for the device may be enough. E-mail it back and I'll try and work with you to get it working.
Force feedback-enabled games
Games I've currently tested for force feedback support (only games that support basic rumble will probably function currently, as I've only implemented triangle, square and sine wave-type effects. I also lack any other force feedback device for comparison :) ):
Jammin' Racer - seems to work fine

Preivous versions:

Here's other similar drivers that are different versions or releases for different operating systems:
    • September 21, 2015
    • Windows (all)
    • 111 MB
    • September 18, 2015
    • Windows (all)
    • 111 MB
    • January 9, 2011
    • Windows 7 64-bit
    • 7.5 MB
    • January 9, 2009
    • Windows 7
    • 17.9 MB
    • December 7, 2012
    • Windows XP 64-bit
    • 18.3 MB
    • October 24, 2012
    • Windows (all)
    • 108.0 MB
    • January 19, 2010
    • Windows XP/Vista/7
    • 46.1 MB
    • August 9, 2012
    • Mac OS X
    • 25.5 MB
    • January 9, 2011
    • Windows XP
    • 7.1 MB
    • January 9, 2011
    • Windows 7
    • 7.6 MB