How To Use Putty For Mac

Putty for Mac is a terminal emulator for Mac OSX and macOS SSH SCP. We now use FastSpring as our preferred storefront, you can pay with. Question: Q: Terminal or PuTTY for Mac. Hi, On the windows side, there is a program called PuTTY that I use all the time, and in particular there was a setting that I cannot seem to find on any other program. When opening a connection, I could select SSH, Telnet, RLogin etc but the one I am interested in is Raw.

This article discusses setting up a virtual machine (VM) as a virtual private server (VPS) and accessing it using secure shell (SSH). This VM VPS can then be used to test configuration and software changes before deployment to a live VPS. A deployed VPS can usually be accessed using SSH, therefore using SSH into VPS running on a VM is good practice for a live situation. This test configuration should accurately reflect the live VPS, reducing mistakes when moving from test to production. This tutorial and guide shows how to set up a VirtualBox VM and access it via the SSH client PuTTY, replicating production world VPS access.

You should never test on live systems. Replicate the live system in a test environment. Use the test environment to try out new configurations and software. When happy with the changes deploy to the live system with confidence. Of course there is no guarantee that the changes to the live system will not cause problems. However, the chance of errors occurring is reduced. The test environment should be the same as the live systems so that changes have the same affect when deployed.

Using a VM is a good way to test a system without impacting a local machine. VirtualBox is a free application that can run VMs. This article uses VirtualBox to configure a VM as a test VPS.

A VPS running in the cloud can be replicated on a local machine using a VM. The first step is to create a local VM. Then on the local VM install the same OS as the one running on the live VPS.

The list of extensions used or otherwise associated with the application may not be complete, because many common file extensions on our website, such as jpg (pictures) or txt (text files), can be opened by a large number of applications, or are too general file format. Cso dax compressor for mac. However most, if not all directly associated file extensions should be listed with its appropriate program. Compressor works with the following file extensions:Note: You can click on any file extension link from the list below, to view its detailed information. Although its likely, that some file extensions may be missing from the list of associated file extensions with the application, yet they can be opened, be part of, or otherwise be associated with the program.

Use Port Forwarding for the Test VPS Networking

By default port 22 is used for SSH, see a list of TCP and UDP port numbers in Wikipedia. VirtualBox can be configured to listen to a port on the host machine and forward any traffic for that port to a port on the VM. This is configured in the VM’s network settings.

To change the network settings the VM VPS must be powered off or suspended. Or save the machine state with the VirtualBox VM window’s File then Close menu option.

With the VM highlighted in the VirtualBox Manager click the Settings icon or use the Machine menu and select Settings.

Under Network the Adapter 1 tab is selected, the default virtual network adapter enabled for the VM VPS. Click Advanced then click the Port Forwarding button On the Port Forwarding Rules dialog click the Adds new port forwarding rule icon. Give the new rule a name, e.g. ssh rule, the protocol will be TCP, Host IP address is blank. Choose a Host Port such as 2222, Guest IP is blank and Guest Port will be 22. Click OK to create the new rule.

Leaving the IP addresses blank means that if the host or guest IPs change then rule will still work. The host port should not be in use by another application or service (see the the Wikipedia list for common uses of ports). While 2222 is used by some products it is easy to remember as it is simply the default port 22 written twice. Use any valid port number in the range 1025 to 65535.

Install the PuTTY Terminal Emulator

The application PuTTY is a terminal emulation program, it implements Telnet, SSH and other network protocols. PuTTY can be used for remote connections to Windows or Unix type machines, such as a Linux based VPS.

Using PuTTY to SSH into VPS Running on a VM

Open PuTTY, start a new session, the Hostname is localhost (your machine), which is the same as entering The port is 2222, or whichever port number was set up in the port forwarding rule. Click the Open button.

The first time PuTTY connects to the VPS a security alert is shown. Confirm that the VPS is the valid by selecting Yes (it is running on the VM on the localhost). By selecting Yes the alert will not appear next time. A terminal window will appear and if everything is configured correctly the login prompt will be available. Log in as root with the password set during install. Run a command such as ls to list the files in the directory.

Typing logout will end the session and close the PuTTY window.

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Purchase Putty 9.1.0 now and have Telnet SSH FTP SCP on your Mac made easy!

If your Mac is your primary computer, you’ll like to have the ability to connect to it remotely from another computer. This gives you access to your files and folders even when you’re away from your machine.

If your second computer happens to be a Windows machine, you can use the SSH protocol to remote connect to your Mac from your Windows computer. This establishes a very secure connection between two of your computers and lets you work on your Mac files from your Windows machine.

In order to connect a Windows PC to your Mac via SSH, you need to first configure a few options on your Mac. Then you’ll be all set to connect to your Mac from any Windows computer located anywhere in the world.

Enable The Remote Login Feature On Mac

Your Mac has a feature called Remote Login that allows other computers on your network as well as on the Internet to remote connect to your Mac and perform tasks on it. To be able to SSH into your Mac from a Windows PC, you need to first enable this option on your Mac.

  • Click on the Apple logo at the top-left corner of your screen and select System Preferences.
  • On the following screen, find the option that says Sharing and click on it. It’ll open the sharing settings menu for your Mac.
  • The screen that opens has several options letting you share the contents of your Mac. Find the option that says Remote Login in the list and put a tick-mark in its box. This will enable the feature on your Mac.

You are now all set to connect to your Mac from your Windows PC over SSH.

The only thing you now need is the IP address of your Mac. If you’ll be connecting from a Windows machine that is on the same network as your Mac, you’ll need the local IP of your Mac. You then don’t need to enable port forwarding on your router.

If you’ll be connecting from a Windows machine that’s not on your home network, you’ll need the global IP of your Mac. In this case, you’ll need to follow the port forwarding instructions given below to access your Mac remotely.

Find The Local IP Of Your Mac

You’ll find your Mac’s local IP on the Sharing pane you accessed previously. If you’ve closed it already, click on the WiFi icon at the top and select Open Network Preferences.

Your IP address should be listed on the following screen.

Find The Global IP Of Your Mac

You can do a simple Google search to find your IP address on the global Internet.

Head over to Google and search for My IP Address.

Google will let you know your public IP address.

Set Up Port Forwarding On Your Router

If you’re going to be remote connecting to your Mac from a Windows PC far away from your home and not on your local network, you’ll need to forward the port on your router as shown below.

  • Open a new tab in your browser, enter in the address bar, and hit Enter. It’ll open your router’s settings page.
  • When the page opens, log in using the default logins which is admin and admin for both the fields and continue.
  • Click on Forwarding at the top to open your forwarding settings page.
  • Click on Port Forwarding on the following screen. Enter 22 and 22 in both port fields. Then, enter the local IP of your Mac in the LAN IP field, tick-mark Enable, and click on OK at the bottom.

All the incoming traffic for your IP on port 22 will now be forwarded to your Mac. The reason you used port 22 is because it’s the port that SSH uses for connections.

Remote Connect To Mac with SSH Using PuTTY

PuTTY is a free SSH client available for Windows machines that lets you easily connect to any remote computer over the SSH protocol. This is what you’ll be using to remote connect to your Mac from your Windows computer.

  • Head over to the PuTTY website and download and install the app on your PC.
  • Launch the app when it’s installed. The main interface shows several fields you can enter values in.
  • Put your cursor in the Host Name field and type in the IP address of your Mac.
  • Ensure the Port field has 22 in it.
  • Select the SSH option to ensure you’re connecting using the SSH protocol.
  • Finally, click on Open to open a remote connection to your Mac.
  • It’ll ask you to enter the username for your Mac. Enter your Mac username and press Enter.
  • You’ll be asked for your user account password. Enter the Mac user account password and press Enter.
  • If all goes well, you’ll be connected to your Mac from your Windows PC.

Now that you’re connected, you’ll want to know what all things you can do with your SSH connection. Here are some of the basic commands you can run to perform actions on your Mac.

View Files And Folders List

To view the files and folders list for your current directory, you can run the following command.


Change The Directory

To change the current directory in your SSH session, use the following command.

cd new-directory

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View File Contents

You can access the contents of a file using a SSH command as follows.

cat file-name.ext

Create a New Folder

SSH lets you create new directories as well. To do it, run the following.

mkdir directory-name

Create a New File

You can even create a new file remotely on your Mac from Windows.

touch file-name.ext

Delete a File

To get rid of a file on your Mac, use the following command on your PC.

rm file-name.ext

In addition to these, SSH has a number of other commands you can use to perform tasks on your Mac from your PC.